Prev || Next || Index [Image] 2/18/96, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lord Clinton and the Babelnet by Kevin DancinBear Genesis:Chapter 11:6-7 6 And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they all have one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. 7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. I was hesitant to use this analogy. Now is a time for solidarity and I don't wish to offend anyone. Bill Clinton is no God. But it was just too perfect. The powers that be feel a dire need to confound our language. We are to be trained by thirty second sound bites that flow in one direction, and feedback is non-existent. Communication is power. A two way flow of ideas allows for self expression. It makes you equal with others. You start to learn that ideas you previously conceived as being far from the mainstream are actually fairly commonly held by others. It makes your ideas worth a whole lot more, and you also come to value the ideas of others more. Yeah, we may tenaciously cling to personal beliefs and engage in flame wars rather than admit we were mistaken about something. Even in these times though, we have to listen to the opposing side of the argument and understand their position if we are to develop a well thought out response. The status quo is maintained through the power of money and subsequent control of the voices of the airwaves. A simple person with brilliant ideas could use this new medium to express herself, and if her ideas were sound they would be carried far and wide, so that without any campaign money, the whole country would understand her wisdom. If the media ignored her, it would only strengthen the belief that we are being duped by tyrranical wealth. Until they could ignore her no more, or she didn't even need them. This has to scare the hell out of the status quo. Yes, I said "her" for effect. She might be black, an overweight bald, spastic, lesbian, amputee for that matter. In here it is only the ideas that you convey that matter. Slick hairstyles don't count. This is true democracy. As so eloquently put by our hypocritical slave-owning forefathers. Perhaps they were'nt hypocrytical, just unable to change the world as fast as they would have liked. No matter, their dream is now on the brink of becoming a reality. Ironic then, that it is the heirs to their power who would seek to destroy it before it could become manifest. Free speech is the bedrock of everything we have been taught to believe in. You and I are not America, the president is not America. The flag is not America, the soil is not America. Only the Constitution is America. It is this document that keeps us free. The right to express yourself comes first on the list. Someone thought it was pretty damn important. You should too. Free speech, I am confident, will never cease, but if the battle to keep it is left to a few it is destined to become an arduous struggle that will cause hardship for many. It doesn't have to be that way. We can have a harmonious transition to a new age where "nothing will be restrained from us" and we will all "speak the same language". It will be the understanding that the things that seperate us are trivialities compared to the things that bond us. We will be able to work together to solve the problems of mankind by consensus, with true understanding of the needs of others. Isn't that worth a few minutes of your time? ----------------------------------------------------------------- webdancers [Image] index